Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday, lovely Sunday

What a great day!  This morning I taught my last Adult Education class at temple, and was pretty excited that when someone mentioned a Biblical reference, I was able to pull out the Torah, find the spot in a few minutes, and then interpret the Hebrew root word.  It was almost... rabbinic. :)

After class ended I came home, right in time to help put the kids down for nap and take one myself, which is rare and glorious.  Then I spent the afternoon at the park with Nicole S.

Playing tag with Kaya, Xander, and Julian.

We all took turns pushing each other.

Julian playing peek-a-boo with Ari.

After the park we went to dinner, and the baby amazed us by eating everything in sight.  Then he ate more when we got home.  At this rate he'll be in a new size of clothing within a week or two!

At bathtime I heard Jonathan talking to both kids in the bathtub.  Xander kept trying to tell Jonathan something, but Ari kept talking nonsense syllables the whole time.
      A: [babble babble babble]
      X: "EXCUSE me, Ari!  Stop talking!!!"
      J: "Sweetie, he's just excited."
     X: "He's talking over me!  That's very rude."
I love that Xander applies all the same rules to his brother that he does to himself.  I mean, it's very age-appropriate, but still very cute.

Come bedtime, I was asked to tell the story for a change.  Tonight was the tale of Norbert the dragon, who lived in a world where dragons were real but boys and girls existed only in fairy tales.  So Norbert and his Mommy visited village after village trying to find a boy or girl for Norbert to play with.  The villages had cows, goats, sheep, even giraffes... but no children.  Finally, just when Norbert had given up hope, he heard footsteps, and who was there?  A boy, named Xander!  They then went off and had multiple adventures, and Xander (who didn't like to be called Xanderbug anymore, but was Xanderbutterfly, because he always wanted to be a butterfly) proved to the world that boys could exist as well as dragons.

The end.


Janet said...

No more Xanderbug?

Janet said...

Oh my....the bathtub story is so precious and very impressive. I love that X KNOWS that it's rude and I adore that both boys have so much to say!

I had to smile when I saw you playing tag in the park. It is so awesome that they have a Mom who is willing to run and play with them.

And I was very impressed with the fact that YOU told the bedtime story. Not that I'm not impressed with J when he does it. He's unbelievably creative. But you usually aren't the one for bedtime stories and I thought your story was terrific! Did Xanderbutterfly like it too?

So loving hearing about your lives. Thank you for sharing with us.


MamaNightsong said...

We had a great time at the park and dinner, thanks for inviting us! I *love* your bedtime story, I may have to steal it! :-)

Janet said...
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Janet said...

I've become so FB oriented that I find myself searching for the "LIKE" button on your blog!
(((The Lovings)))

That means hugs for those who don't know!

Michal said...

These are all great comments! Thanks so much, Mom - and Nicole, feel free!

chanaham said...

Ari will certainly be knowledgeable of proper conversation etiquette since Xander does have something to say about it! Too cute. Also - loved the story.