Thursday, April 5, 2012

Notes from the past few days

1) Me: "I'll do [whatever] if I have the time."
X:  "Well, I have lots of time, I gave it to you!  I gave Daddy time too."  [extends his hand toward us, palm up, "giving" us his time.]

2) For work I'm currently writing all the text for a bus tour of Jewish Cincinnati.  It's interesting... kind of.  I've now written three blurbs for cemeteries.  Why is that Jews visit cemeteries?  It's an honest question, not rhetorical.

3)  [J licks his thumb and swipes it over X's chin, cleaning it off]
    X: "Ewwww!  I don't want you to put spit on my face!!"

4) We're feeding the cats wet cat food now, in an effort to curb Simcha's weight.  Ari tries to stick his hand in the bowl at every opportunity.  Why oh why must he like cat food?!  (And for you smart alecks, yes, that question is rhetorical.)

5) Xander still can't say two words properly, or at least, properly without slowing down and giving them thought.  "Spaghetti" and "elephant" come out half the time as "pasgetti" and "ephelant."  It's the cutest thing ever.

6) I'm having fun with the show "Lilyhammer," about a New York mob boss who moves to Norway in the witness protection program.  I started watching it at the recommendation of my Norwegian friend, Trond, and it's hilarious.  It's also a Netflix original series.  I'm impressed with them.  Jonathan, on the other hand, has gotten into "Modern Family."  Again, very cute.  But the doofus dad on that show turns me off; they go from being fun characters, to stereotypical caricatures, pretty quickly.

7) Our child is developing a love of reading!  He wants me to spell everything, and delights in telling me that [this word] starts with [this letter].  He's usually right, too, except that he mixes up C and S, and doesn't understand vowels.   The words from today's trip home from school, as spelled out on a napkin at his request, were:

AIRPLANE  (which he was very confused by)

The best was when we pulled up to our house and I tried to take the paper away, to get him out of his carseat:  "No!  I'm not done looking!"  My heart went pitter-patter.  

(And tonight as we made charoset according to the recipe of the song, we talked about ch, and how there's no such letter in English.  Challah, charoset, Chanukah, Baruch, Michal.  Ah the forehead creases as he processed.)

8) Pesach/Passover.  Cleaning.  Brisket.  Seder.  Vacuuming.  Chocolate toffee matzah.  Charoset-making.  All are quickly becoming one and the same in my book.

9) Ari now has shoes.  He stands up for 3 to 4 seconds on his own before plopping down.  He'll be a toddler soon.  Aaagh!

10) My "senior service" is all outlined, and my sermon is complete.  A week and a half from now, it will be done and I'll have marked off every last thing in my HUC checklist.

And I have nothing left to say...

1 comment:

Janet said...

1. Your dramatic Xman is one of the most generous, loving people around. He will share even that which is most precious to him.

2. Weird, huh? I always visit cemeteries too. Maybe it's the history part.

3.HA! You did that too when you were little. That's when I began asking you stick out your tongue so at least we used your own spit!

4.Like Mt. Everest. Because it's there!

5. Those 2 are pretty common hard words. You used to say meatbulbs (for meatballs) and frigeratum (for refrigerator).

6. I'll have to check it out. I'm almost done with "Hot in Cleveland" and I will miss it. It's hilarious!!

7. OMG!!!! I LOVE that he is loving to read. And it's all due to you and Jonathan making it such a priority in his life. You have given him such a gift!

8. Yeah, after a while, it's just one big chore!! But you did it all and I'm so proud of you. And you too, Jonathan. Yay for the person who cleans up!

9. Shoes! He IS growing up.

10. It's the last stretch, baby!

Can't wait for your next update. It's like going thru the day with you and I LOVE that!
