Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"On Children," by Kahlil Gibran

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

Utterly beautiful.  Thank you, Sheryl, for introducing me to it.  Here is a beautiful musical rendition from Sweet Honey in the Rock.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It is snowing right now.


Monday, November 28, 2011

HUC Klau Library annual book sale

Shout-out to Rachael who picked me up at the ungodly rainy hour of 7:30am to get to the library at opening time at 8am.  Thank you thank you!

So what did I get, you ask?

- An in-line Latin-English translation of Cicero's major speeches. I just used the online version of this last night when writing my thesis!
- Volumes 1 and 2 of all the major church history documents, to be used in adult eds
- A hardcover biography of Alan Greenspan, to be sent to Savta
- A 1917 edition of "Old English Songs and Hymns," with lyrics to things like the original Robin Hood song, complete with notes and explanations
- A history of Hellenistic Rome
- The Prophet by Khalil Gibran, which I've never read before

Plus a few other things.  I limited myself to $20, and came away with 19 books!

How things work

Today at the Children's Museum with Yasha and Eden, Xander was all about the water table and the construction zone.  Every question about... everything, really... is, "How does it work?"

Even the Netflix favorites Dinosaur Train and SuperWhy have been replaced.  Now it's onto Netflix documentaries and YouTube videos of excavators, car motors, fire extinguishers, you name it.  Here are a few of Xander's favorites:

All About Construction on Netflix

How It's Made on the Discovery Channel, also Netflix.  His favorites are bread and cheese.

(Oh yes, and Yael and I just bought new Museum memberships and split the discount - buy one get the second one at 50% - with the promise to go with each other at least once a month.  It's boring to go by ourselves and just watch the kids play, and Saturdays are hectic.  But if we go Sunday mornings when it opens at 11, everyone's still at church - or at the very least not there - so it only gets crowded by 1pm when we leave).

Speaking of construction, the $5 red Craigslist pick-up truck has been our best purchase ever.

     Here Bunny wanted to go for a ride.

Next up was Ari.  Danyul's making sure he doesn't tip over.

Jonathan is showing Xander "how sewing surgery works" by fixing Dragon's toe, which came unraveled.  And as everyone knows, true surgery can only be performed while wearing a space hat.

And this has nothing to do with anything, but it's a cute picture, so here it is.  Me on date night.  The outfit was completed with a black slit pencil skirt and knee-high boots. :)

Friday, November 25, 2011


Thankful for husbands: felt supported, cherished, loved.  Not many people would follow their spouse around the world, then around the United States, for schooling.  And then be willing to do it all over again to follow a job.

Thankful for children: played, hugged, cuddled.  Only put on one time-out.

Thankful for family: lovely dinner with Natasha and Kevin and Kevin's mom, sister, and brother-in-law.  Not to mention the four dogs.

Thankful for food: Sweet potatoes.  Turkey.  Stuffing.  Corn.  Salad.  Garlic potatoes and gravy. Mac and cheese.  Homemade bread. Three types of pies.  Man, Natasha can cook.

Thankful for technology which lets me connect: Skype with my mom and sister, phone convos with Holly and Lois.

Thankful for kitty cats: Simcha is a 15-pound vibrating machine of purr.

Thankful for all of you, dear readers.  I hope you had as wonderful a day as I did.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Five items of interest, and their accompanying emotions

1) I turned in my first chapter of my thesis to my advisor today.  This = hooray!

2) I spent a few hours at work going through original documents regarding the 1935 Jewish boycott of the Berlin Olympics.  The material was all on onion-skin paper and included original sermons, a recording of Stephen S. Wise talking about it, and a timeline from the Canadian Jewish Congress. This = fascinating.

3) Xander surprises me sometimes by how adult he sounds.  Take this morning, driving him to school:

Ari: "aaaaaAAAaaaaa" squeak "aaaaaaAAAaaaa"
Jonathan:  "Thank you for sharing your feelings, Ari.  I'm so glad you and Sophie [the giraffe teething squeak toy] have so much to say.
Ari: [continues to babble contentedly]
Michal: "Xander, would you like to share your feelings?"
Xander:  "No.  I'll keep them to myself."

This = cute.

4) Last night Jonathan and I went over all the congregations to which I'm applying with a fine-tooth comb.  Today I officially submitted my form to the CCAR detailing where to send my resume.  This = a relief + anxiety-provoking all at the same time.  Now it's a waiting game to see where/if I get interviews.

5) We bought massive amounts of ice cream.  This = my way of coping with the above.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Swingin' in the rain

Xander actually turned down going to the Children's Museum today.  He preferred to go for a long walk in our neighborhood.  In the rain.  Do I get brownie points in some mom club for going?

These were taken yesterday with Rachael's phone.  Ari's first time in a swing.

So that you can see what Ari was staring at. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am such an unbelievable geek

The part of my thesis that I'm writing on right now is on the legal ramifications of Exodus 22:17.  I followed an article's footnotes to discover a possible legal parallel to the Code of Hammurabi, which I thought was exciting.  Even more exciting was that I found the exact source listed, in The Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor.  Even more exciting than that: there's a free download of the book online!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chaos theory. AKA things bouncing about in my head.

- Xander told a story yesterday that cracked me and Jonathan up.  He held up a plush toy and said, “This is the red dinosaur.  He’s very scary.  When people come close he says RAWWRR and they say, 'ahh, it’s a dinosaur’ and they run away.”  But when he said RAWWRR he did it in a deep voice, and for the “ahh, it’s a dinosaur,” he did it in falsetto.  I only wish we had had the video camera.

- The show "Thirtysomething" hit too close to home, so I've moved onto "Parenthood."  Those characters are not me now, but in five years - so it's still relevant, but not as painful to watch.

- We went to the Cincinnati Museum "Holiday Junction" to see all the trains with my friend Nicole S. and her kids.  Xander thought all the trees were pretty, which amused me.  They were pretty.  But he had no idea they were Christmas trees. Another thing he didn't notice, that I did, was the hard-core Christmas music.  It's one thing to have a "holiday junction" that's all about Christmas (Hanukkah or Kwanzaa anyone?) but at least only have songs about the non-religious Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman. I'm not a fan of loud "Christ will be reborn" lyrics piped in over the loudspeakers at public, city-run venues.  I will say that lunch was awesome though - Xander will eat any sandwich that comes out of the below Tupperware container.  Sometimes the best finds are in the $1 Target bin.
It fits the shape of a standard bread slice perfectly.

- I'm on page three of my thesis.  And I have an outline for the rest of the chapter.  I found it really hard to start, so I feel like I’m making progress.  A grad student friend, Matt, took me on a tour of the University of Cincinnati campus and came with me to their Classics Library, so I was able to get a ton more books.

- Baby Bird Saga continues:  Jonathan bought a pack of white balloons, blew one up, and put it in Xander’s room when he was sleeping.  Xander is now convinced that Baby Bird Egg hatched overnight. It's adorable.

- Sleep still eludes me, because Ari is STILL teething.  There are numerous white bumps on his gums, but no actual teeth as of yet.  With Xander it was so much better after that first tooth broke through; I’m hoping it will be the same with his brother.

- This Sunday a home-birth-network friend hosted an Arbonne make-up party.  A make-up artist put seven different products on my face, and I looked... nice.  Polished.  Professional.  But not "worth the $300 I would need to spend on their products to replicate it"-type professional.  So suggestions: I know I need to at least buy a tube of lipstick and mascara for placement interviews.  What else do I need?  My husband says I look beautiful as is, which is wonderful but not particularly helpful.  People who read this: what make-up items should I buy, and are there any brands you recommend?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ari in autumn, alliterated

Behold Ari:

Behold autumn:

(We had three loads of leaves before we were done)

Behold restful relaxation after raking:

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Pretty trees in our backyard.  

Cold = snuggling.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The saga of Baby Bird Balloon

Once upon a time, Xander went to Yasha's birthday party.  At that party, there was a goody bag.  In that goody bag, there was a white balloon.

When Xander got home, Mommy blew up the white balloon.  It became big and round and full of air.  When Daddy took the end of the balloon and moved it in and out, it squeaked.  Xander said it sounded like a baby bird.

White Balloon therefore became Baby Bird Balloon.

Baby Bird Balloon squeaked and squeaked. He asked to fly.  We let go of Baby Bird Balloon and whoosh! Baby Bird Balloon flew all over the room.  Xander loved Baby Bird Balloon flying.  He flew, was blown up with air again, and flew again.  We did this many, many times.  Many. Many. Times.

Then Xander encouraged Mommy to blow up Baby Bird Balloon even bigger.  "Bigger, Mommy, bigger!  Make him a Big Squeaky Bird!"

Mommy blew up Baby Bird so much that he popped.  Baby Bird Balloon became Baby Bird Burst Balloon Bits.

Xander cried.

Mommy said she couldn't fix Baby Bird Balloon.  But she rolled all the bits together and together and over and over in themselves, until Baby Bird Balloon was a thimble-size bundle of latex.

Baby Bird Balloon thus became Baby Bird Egg.

Baby Bird Egg slept with Xander last night.  Baby Bird Egg had breakfast with Xander this morning.  Baby Bird Egg, according to Xander, will hatch soon.

How, you ask?

If and when you figure it out, please let me know.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What a difference an election cycle makes

 Xander voting for Obama

Xander voting today

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Instructions for how to have a fun weekend

- Give an invitation to Devin, Xander's classmate, to come over to play. When his mother prompts him to say goodbye after dinner, he shouts, "Bye Xander! Bye Xander's Mommy! Bye Xander's Daddy! Bye kitties!"

- Have the doctor tell us that Ari is in the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight. Realize that Xander's recent growth spurt has been up but not out: he's now only in the 18th percentile for weight. Laugh uproariously later as he eats his own mass in macaroni and cheese for dinner.

- Be sleep-deprived last night due to teething crises, but give out mental Best Husband award as Jonathan takes both boys until 11am this morning.

- Edit two of my sister's English papers. Be utterly grateful that my days of mandatory compare/contrast are over.

- Go to Yasha's birthday party at Totter's Ottersville. OD on pizza and cupcakes, and try not to giggle as Xander asks the event coordinator on the train ride to "please get out. That's Daddy's seat."

- Rake leaves. Mow lawn. Blow leaves. All as a family, with everyone pitching in. Xander "helps" by blowing with his bubble blower, but then really does help significantly by raking piles of leaves. Ari coos in the wrap and then tries to smush leaves with his fingers.

- Praise every deity ever invented as children all fall asleep by 8:30pm due to Daylight Savings time, and their bodies thinking it was an hour later. Jonathan and I watch a WHOLE movie with no interruptions. It's a miracle!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Xander-isms, part umpteenth

Me:  I had a very frustrating day.  I looked for some books in the library and I couldn't find them.
X:  Did you need a flashlight?

J:  How old are you?
X: I'm three!
J: Do you know how old I am?  I'm forty-one.
X:  WOW!!!  That's a whole LOT!

Waiting at the pediatrician's office for the 3 year old/6 month well checkups, X and I play ring around the rosy.  We do it so many times I get dizzy.  I say, "Do we have to fall down?"  X says, very perplexed, "Yes, we fall down.  It's ring around the rosy.  We HAVE to fall down!"  Then he stares at me. Like, duh... that's the whole point of the song.

Overheard, X to A:  "Fire trucks are not for eating!"

J gives X a kiss on his cheek.
X gives J a kiss on his cheek back, with dripping pizza slice in hand.  J's cheek is very wet and has a red smear.
J looks at X askew as he wipes his face.
X laughs and says, "I gave you a sauce kiss!"

And a sad little voicemail message, not from or about Xander, but relating to Ari's teething and proving that I need more sleep.  From Holly to me:  

"Hi, Michal?  You left a message on my phone for the gas company, saying you needed to reschedule your Friday appointment.  Um, just so you know, you obviously didn't reach the gas company.  You might want to call them again."

Sigh.  Yeah.  Don't really have much to say about that one.  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to play firefighter, by Xander

Give a visiting friend, in this case Aaron, the special red fire hat. 

Tell him, "You squeeze the fire extinguisher while I talk to everybody."

Yell as loud as you can into the bullhorn, "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, THERE'S A FIRE!!!" while your friend makes "psshhhh" noises while working the fire extinguisher, and your little brother looks up all confused and intimidated by the sudden noise.

Have Mommy help rescue people on the second floor of your house using the fire truck ladder.  Don't forget to have everybody still make "pssshhh" noises!

Be serious at the end, and wonder why the grown-ups are laughing.  You did a great job, you put out the fires and saved the world!

(Additional useful information:  fire-fighting should also consist of running in circles around the house multiple times putting out imaginary fires in every room.  Lastly, ignore Mommy, Daddy and Aaron talking about rabbinic placement, and tune out Mommy telling Daddy all about the class she co-taught on "Death and the Afterlife" as part of an interfaith panel for adult learners.  Who cares that the Protestant representative turned out to be Dennis, her mentor from CPE two summers ago?   Man, grown-ups can be boring!)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Eden as Bob the Builder and Yasha and Xander as firefighters.

Moms and boys posing in front of the haunted house on our block, while the dads took pictures.

Spooky scary neighbors!

Back at the house with our LOOT.  The first priority was separating out peanut and non-peanut candy. Oh no, Mommy's forced to eat all the Snickers and Reese's Pieces.

Ari the monkey chillin' on the couch.

Trying a Twizzler for the very first time.  It was a bonafide hit.

Lollipops require intense focus.

Ari, de-monkey-fied, wants candy too.

Post-candy calm-down time was spent watching YouTube videos of how to use a fire extinguisher.  It all ended at 9:30pm, which really wasn't bad for all the sugar Xander consumed.  He was so taken with his costume that he insisted on wearing his "fire jacket" to bed over his pajamas.  We said okay... but that the fire hat, bullhorn, and fire extinguisher had to sleep by themselves in the toy bin.  Oh what cruel parents!  We also just barely convinced him that a firefighter costume was not the outfit to wear to school pictures the next day.  I don't know if he'll ever forgive us.