Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ari's birthday party last week

(Second seder at the AJA was great.  Just long.  And now I'm tired, but I know that if I I don't post these pictures tonight, it'll be another week before I get to them. So sorry folks, no captions.)

The day before the party, we gave Ari his gift from us, the ride-on car.  If you happen to notice that it looks amazingly like Xander's from two years ago that was then put in the basement... don't tell him!

The party the next morning:

Ayden and Matt

Rachel and Jack, Rachael

Ari and Yasha

Nancy, me, Xander

 Smash cake.

Cupcake cake.  

Thank you to Danyul for the filming and narration!

Since cupcakes are messy, we all moved outside for the actual eating:

He was such a dainty eater we had to actually break off a piece for him... and then he only nibbled it.


Ari copying

Julian, Eden, Carlie, Yasha, Xander

Carlie, Xander and the bubble blower

Yasha, half of Yael, and the all important yellow balloon

Julian running

Liam and Kaya


Janet said...

What a fabulous birthday celebration! I love the cakes and that it was Xander who started singing Yom Huledet Sameach! Ari looked so happy!

How lucky your boys are to have you both as parents.


Janet said...

I love that both your boys are very neat and polite eaters. That smash cake turned into a nibble cake. Me likey!

Janet said...

1. The picture of the girl in the striped shirt running. Great shot!
2. Ari alone on his bike. Such a happy boy.
3. The fact that Xander shared ALL his toys!! Kol Hakavod to him!
Filled with love in California.

Janet said...

Just can't stop looking at these pictures!!!!!!
Can one be blog addicted? HAHAHA

MamaNightsong said...

It was a great party, and those pics of Julian are awesome!!! Can I share them on facebook?

Michal said...

Mom, I think you ARE blog addicted! But I don't mind one bit.

And Nicole, sure! Consider it blanket permission to post any pics I do, or that I email you.

chanaham said...

neat cakes - after going outside to be prepared for cupcake diving, Ari is a delicate eater!!! The pix are just great. I can't believe that itty bitty is already one!!

Michal said...

I can't believe it either... but then, Lena has two as well, so I suppose it makes sense. :)

Lena Mara Shupper said...

@Michal Sophie just turned 6 months on Sunday. Can hardly believe that much time has gone by! Can you believe your baby is ONE!? Oy!

Michal said...

I know, it's CRAZY! Weren't we just celebrating our pregnancies?