Sunday, April 22, 2012

Heartbroken Jonathan

There was a massive power surge at our house a few days ago - I'm still not quite sure of the source - but everything survived fine save one item: Jonathan's computer monitor. It died a tragic death, but he valiantly struggled on, and got a new one today.

This evening, he went down to the basement to grab some computer cords to hook up the new monitor.


All three plastic bins holding spare computer components were filled with seven inches of water.

So not only do we have water damage in our basement from the recent storms, but the total loss of the bins means hundreds of dollars down the drain, and the complete destruction of all material components of my husband's favorite hobby.

It is a sad, sad day in our house.


Janet said...

Oh no!!!!!!! I gasped when I read about the water damage in your basement and Jonathan's extra parts bins. I am so, soooo sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry - what a pain!

MamaNightsong said...

:-( That sucks! I'm sorry to hear that.

chanaham said...


Michal said...

Thanks, all.