Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Really really cool things. In pictures.

My rabbinical thesis, all bound and pretty.

 A signed lease between Jonathan and myself and our two renters.  They're both HUC students, and I feel confident that our house will be in good hands.

Mike playing "And You Shall Be a Blessing" in the student lounge to Ari, who is utterly and completely mesmerized. 

And just because I love this stuff - look closely and this medieval book has an impression of spectacles within it!  Because the book could be dated as early as the 1300s and is from medieval Venice, 150 miles from where glasses were invented in Florence in 1286, scholars are thinking that this could be an impression of one of the earliest pair of glasses ever recorded.  Cool, huh?  Click here for more.


Janet said...

1. Your thesis! Mazel tov! I am so happy for you!!!!

2. What a relief..the house is rented. Great news!

3. It looks like Ari loves music as much as his brother does. Makes me happy.

4. I'm so happy that you pointed out the spectacles because I probably wouldn't have even noticed! No one ever accused me of being visual. Sooooooo cooooooool.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that things are falling into place for the house and move. BTW, we want to make reservations for your new place for when we do a college visit to UC Davis! You were listed as one of the advantages of picking Davis for R.

Michal said...

@Mom, that's an awesome comment. And @Sheryl, 1) how is Ruthie old enough to be going to college?! and 2) HOORAY!!!! I hope she goes to Davis too. I promise to be unbelievably welcoming. I'll make cookies for her dorm and everything. :)

Gwen/Mom/Babka said...

On the one hand, I was thankful that I didn't have to go through the process of having both my masters thesis and my PhD dissertation bound. On the other hand, yours looks pretty cool, and very impressive, and now I'm thinking that it might have been special after all. JOB WELL DONE, my child. Mazel tov!

As for lasts, life is full of lasts...what's important is to notice them, enjoy them (or weep), bless them, and let them go.

Lena Shupper said...

Hello my dear friend! It was so great chatting with you on FB the other day. I love when we get to catch up. I've been thinking of you lots lately as I've been hanging with Miriam Philips helping her with wedding plans, etc as she is finishing all the same type of things you are finishing. Her ordination is on Mother's Day and I think Rabbi Marder is ordaining her. So special! Your mom, my mom, and I are going together. Sorry to steal your mom on Mother's Day! LOVE the Dinosaurowitz story. Maybe I could convince someone at one of our synagogues to start that tradtion as well. Stoked you guys are going to be at the beginning of that picture book. See, really this is a week of beginnings too! Went to a wonderful women's event at the South HB Chabad on Sunday and we learned how to prepare Shabbat dinner in an hour. I was thinking, I only have 2 kids, these women have like 4-5 each; how do they do it?! My children, or really, MY CHILD (specifically my 3 year old), makes it difficult to get anything done, especially meals. My in-laws are coming over tonight to babysit while we go to a preschool meeting and since I haven't been able to get dinner going (as my child won't let me!), I'm thinking we're ordering in! Maybe now that you'll be in CA, your mom will be able to come a bit more often to babysit for you even more. Your mom & my mom KVELL over our kids, calling the boys by their Bubbie nicknames. It's hilarious listening to them.

Michal said...

@Gwen, that is SUCH a good point - not just notice, but bless. And Lena, honestly, I'm not there, so I'm glad, Jan, Chana and you will have a good time! I have no idea how those women prepare those meals either... I get so flustered with X running around, and if I put Ari down (or not in the wrap) then it's a total loss. Especially if he "helps." Usually either J or I get kitchen duty and the other is with the kids.