Saturday, March 20, 2010

Insanity is tapering off

My past week -

Monday: return from NY.
Tuesday: school til 5, then evening spent prepping pulpit work and Wed class.
Wednesday: school til 5, quick dinner, temple by 6:30, teach adult ed til 8, home at 8:30. Prep pulpit.
Thursday: school til 4, then daycare calls to pick Xander up, he has a stomach bug. Dinner, then First Aid/CPR certification class til 9. Home, prep pulpit.
Friday: prep pulpit, drive to pulpit, services, dinner. In hotel by 10:30.
Saturday: teach adults, teach kids, youth group. Drive home, get home at 5:30. Dinner, put baby to bed. Am now blogging.

The upside: I had an amazingly productive week and got a billion things done. The downside: I haven't put Xander to bed three times this week. He and Jonathan are actually quite bonded now... he's pretty much spent all his free time with him since Tuesday (not to mention the three days of my conference last week), and tonight, he took Goodnight Moon away from me to give to Daddy to read. It was adorable. I don't begrudge them the bonding, he's spent so much time clinging to me, this is a nice change for all of us. I just can't spend this much time away permanently!

By the way, at youth group today I taught my very favorite Passover song ever:

"Make charoset, chop chop chop.
Apples, nuts, and cinnamon.
Add some wine, it's lots of fun,
Make charoset, chop chop chop."

We used it as our "recipe" today, albeit we used grape juice instead of wine, and added sugar.

And last but not least: when I got in tonight Xander and Jonathan were just finishing dinner. I went upstairs to change into jeans and a ratty t-shirt, when Jonathan brought up the idea of going to Steak n' Shake for dessert (I can never turn down a buy-one-get-one-free milkshake.) As we walked into the restaurant, I commented on how crappy I was dressed, and said, "wanna bet I'll turn into my mom and see like eight people we know tonight." No sooner had the words come out of my mouth - literally, they were still hanging in the air - when we saw someone waving out of the corner of our eyes. It was our next door neighbor, her two kids, and her grandkids, calling us over to their table to see hello. Jonathan looked at me and we tried hard not to crack up... all together, there were EIGHT PEOPLE at that table. We couldn't have planned it better if we tried.


Savta said...

Your activities prove that you possess omnipresence, and the restaurant episode confirmed that you are also precognitive. What a scary combination! Loved this post!

Michal said...

Pshaw Savta, I'm just busy and need to dress better when I go outside! :)

Sheryl said...

Cute song! reminds me of a similar Shabbat song

Put some chicken in a pot
stir it up till its nice and hot
getting ready for Shabbat
good Shabbat!

and then you put carrots, onions parsley, etc in the pot. The JELC kids always put very imaginative things in their soul :-)

Michal said...

Sheryl, I love it!!