Thursday, April 12, 2012

The 80s just blew Xander's mind

"Xander, Xander, bo-bander, banana fana fo-fander, me my mo-mander, XANder."

He stood there in shock with his mouth open, processing.  Then he practically shook himself, closed his mouth with a snap and immediately demanded that I sing it again. :)


Janet said...


Janet said...

Uhhhh, I hate to tell you this, honey, but we used to sing that when WE were kids!

Anonymous said...

Not the 80's, Mommy. Try the 60's. I was in elementary school, probably the 5th grade, when that was popular. So, let's say it was 1964. YOU first heard in in the 80's, when you were the kid it was being used to entertain. Michal, Michal, boball. Banana-fana Mo-mal. Mee-my....etc.

Michal said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I haven't heard it SINCE the 80s, so that's gotta count for something...

Janet said...

It is GRAND that you know exactly what to offer your sons and the exact perfect moment to offer it!

You are terrific!


Anonymous said...

If you'd like to hear it again, I'm sure it can be arranged. :-)

chanaham said...

How fun when the song comes around again. I started singing along with "Children behave" and I think Lena, but maybe Sarah Rose, in junior high ? wanted to know how I could possibly know the words! And won't it be fun when Xander is sharing the song with his offspring! I loved the description of his being bowled over by the song!

Michal said...

Chana, he was SO cute I can't even tell you. I totally understand Lena/Sarah Rose. It happens in all music, I think - I remember trying to learn the Veahavta before my Bat Mitzvah, and singing it in the car looking at the words on my lap in the passenger seat. All of a sudden Mom corrects me while she's changing lanes and I exclaimed, "but you're not even LOOKING!" I was in awe that she knew it well enough to sing back. :)

Lena Mara Shupper said...

@Michal - You are hilarious. How could you underestimate your mother like that! ;-) Love reading about Xander. He sounds a lot like Elijah. Do you guys have Music Together classes near you? It's so great and Elijah LOVES his teacher who happens to be Kendra Cogert from Temple Israel!

Michal said...

You know, we do, but they're only offered at like Wednesdays at 11am, when I'm at work. Xander loves singing in school though. How neat that the teacher is Kendra! It's a small world.