Friday, November 6, 2009

Libraries, conferences, and fire dust

Per Sheryl's request, I can describe the HUC library opening: it was long. And PACKED with people. I went to the 2pm event held at HUC, and the main sanctuary plus the balcony was overflowing with students, community members, and Trustees and Board of Directors. There were lots of speeches that unfortunately I couldn't hear, because I was sitting in the hallway outside the balcony area, near some classrooms. Myself and most of the people near me gave up on trying to hear what was going on, and we played with Xander instead. I do know that Prof. Meyer (who literally wrote the Jewish Encylopedia entry on "Reform Judaism") gave a Powerpoint on the history of libraries and this one specifically. I heard the first part, about the library of Alexandria, and missed out on pretty much all the rest.

There was also an event at the JCC at 7pm, but I didn't go to that one. From what I heard it was a resounding success, with over one thousand people, music, song, speeches, and lots of food. The library itself was a bustle of activity the few days beforehand, what with discussions by all the bigwhigs, vacuuming, putting up plaques, etc. - last Friday I actually left my cozy study spot on the first floor to go to the American Jewish Archives for some peace and quiet, it was so loud.

I gave my sermon last week on the current economy and what we can leave to our children, and I was so sad to hear that CAJE, the Conference for the Alternatives of Jewish Education, is now out of business. I went once in 2000 and it was an amazing experience; hopefully it will get started again when the world gets in better financial straits. Please donate to them, the future of Jewish education deserves it!

And last but not least, a funny translation error: Jonathan and my sister went to a shooting range Monday before she left, and in trying to say the word "gunpowder," she said "fire dust" instead. I actually like that word better!

Shabbat shalom, everyone.


Unknown said...

well excuuuuus meee for translating without knowing that's what im doing...........
i'm an isramrican now :)

Sheryl said...

Thanks for the library report! OMG - he started from the Library of Alexandria?! I would play with Xander too. I'm glad it was so crowded though.

Michal said...

Odelia, what a good description of you! Who needs the TOEFL, anyway?! :)

And Sheryl - yeah, Alexandria. Enough said. But the library is so awesome, I can't even begin to tell you. It's my new hangout - there's a table right in front of Laurel's desk that I've claimed as my own.