Sunday, November 15, 2009

Torah, clothing, cell phones, and bad eyes. In that order.

This pulpit visit was absolutely wonderful! I really got into teaching the Lutheran junior high school students; basically I brought in every Jewish ritual artifact and did a show and tell, ranging from Kiddish cup to menorah to Torah. They had lots of good questions, and the pastor and I exchanged email addresses so that we can maybe plan something in the future. Xander was a doll as usual, and stayed up til past 10pm when everyone went out to dinner. He also slept through the night completely at the hotel, and so was bright and perky in the morning when he and Jonathan joined me for adult ed.

It was definitely providence, because a store was having its grand opening right above the bagel shop where I teach on Saturdays - and it was a consignment store! Jonathan became a man right out of Porn for Moms. He played with the baby on the floor for an hour while giving me clothing advice... now that's love!

As reward for him on the drive back, I consented to stop at the Sprint store to change our cell plan from Verizon. He'd been wanting to do it for awhile, so I caved. He now has a Smartphone, and I have one with a keyboard (20% off on everything with his corporate discount!). This means that we now have an old-old phone, the one I used before the one I just now discarded. I had kept it plugged in just in case we would want it again some day. We're now two phone generations past it, though, so decided to give it to Xander. The look on his face when we handed it to him was priceless. Technology? For MEEE??? He was so thrilled, he opened and closed it and opened and closed it and pressed the buttons again and again to make beeping noises. Oh the joyful squealing!

The only bit of bad news this weekend is that I went to the optometrist, and it was officially confirmed that my eyes are reverting again. (For those who don't know, I was born legally blind and have had two eye surgeries to correct it). I currently wear reading glasses, and am in discussions over whether I need to be back in glasses full-time. The optometrist said that I could legally pass my driving test, but that it would be safer to wear them at all times when I drive, and it would help to have them whenever I sit in a classroom. The only silver lining I can think of is that if I wear my glasses all the time now, I won't have to sit in the front in Talmud class and get called on! I also, for the very first time, felt my age... nearing 30 means that I had to get my eyes dilated so they could do a manual scan for retinal detachment. I've never had to do that before. Oh well. Could be worse, right?

And I do believe I hear the baby waking up from his nap. Happy Sunday!


Janet said...

Do you mean to tell us that the PRK surgery you suffered through just a few years ago didn't bring about permanent change? Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Why did I think you were finished with glasses for good or at least until you needed old-lady reading glasses?

Michal said...

That's what I thought too. But no. To quote the doctor, my eyes are "stubborn and want to go back to the way they were."

Anonymous said...

Aren't you seeing an ophthalmologist? I'm for leaving no stones unturned at this point.

Sheryl said...

Does this mean that there is more surgury in your future? I'm with Savta - see an MD.

Congrats on the new phone! Jane just got a fancy phone - mine just makes calls. sometimes.

Had a great time with your mother this morning. I wish you could get out here for the sale - Its always a blast. take care.

Michal said...

Yeah, I'm thinking about it... just another appt to make! But I wouldn't have more surgery, just start wearing glasses again.

Sheryl, I know, I can't wait for the sale! I asked here and Allen said it will be after Thanksgiving, if at all. I told him that even if it isn't organized very well, just to accompany me downstairs and I would take them off his hands!

Michal said...

Yeah, I'm thinking about it... just another appt to make! But I wouldn't have more surgery, just start wearing glasses again.

Sheryl, I know, I can't wait for the sale! I asked here and Allen said it will be after Thanksgiving, if at all. I told him that even if it isn't organized very well, just to accompany me downstairs and I would take them off his hands!