Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lovely weekend

Halloween was wonderful! Xander was, what do you know, a lion in an adorable costume. It was a huge jacket basically with a mane and ears as a hat, plus a tail. For some strange reason here the kids don't ring the doorbells, but everyone hangs out on their porch to give out the candy. So Xander pushed his car all around the front porch when Jonathan and I handed out candy. At one point all three of us went to go see the haunted house that someone made, a block down, and Odelia gave out chocolate instead. Then we traded and she and Jonathan went to look at the house, while Xander and I played. He now walks when he holds onto a push toy, instead of just crawling. I have tons of pictures, but like always, it will take me a while to sort through and post them.

Let's see... my pulpit visit was good. I taught a class on "Comparative Judaism" (Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist, Renewal) and it made me realize how little Jews know as a whole about Reform, our own movement. So I think next time I'll do a "what do Reform Jews actually believe, the party line" type session. The movement actually has very clear lines on God, Torah, Israel, etc, but no one knows them. Why is that?!

Jonathan and I spent a good couple hours today raking up the leaves in our backyard. They filled three garbage cans and two yard waste paper bags! And that was only the backyard. We were pooped, we'll do the front yard next weekend. The trees are pretty, but man when the leaves fall on your yard it's annoying.

I think that's about it... right now have to go study for a philosophy midterm.

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