Friday, November 20, 2009

Two article links

One for the natural parenting, gender-defying feminist mommy in me. It was written in 1999, but it's still completely applicable. Thanks to Holly for posting it on Facebook. :)
The Boy in the Blue Tutu

Second, the political awareness part of me, who really really wants Obama to succeed:
Former evangelist: Religious Right is "Trawling for Assassins"


Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks ballet is for sissies should watch the guys dancing in the movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." And I strongly recommend the movie "Billy Elliot" as a MUST-SEE.
In general, society makes it hard for parents who strive to let their kids develop their natural
talents and instincts. The prevailing boy-girl/sex-gender boxes are distinctly uncomfortable for too many of us. Haven't we forfeited our independent humanity when we accept Conformity as a virtue? The struggle for "Let me be me" must go on....

Anonymous said...

Using that psalm is declaring a religious war on our president, Barak Obama, and when maniacs like Glen Beck use it as a gauntlet, I confess it scares the daylights out of me. Don't tell me it's too crazy to be taken seriously.

Michal said...

Totally agree, on all counts.

Eugene Olsen said...

Most religious conservatives pray for President Obama's success but they're not the ones getting the attention. It's the extremists that get the attention.

You will never see a headline that reads "Baptist Family in Texas Prays for Obama" or "Mormon Families in Utah Pray for Obama". Happens every day but not newsworthy.

Eugene Olsen said...

... and I mean praying for the president's success, not the mis-used psalm referenced in the linked article.

Michal said...

Eugene, you're right, they DO need to write that article! I guess the "normal" people are too boring to be news-worthy.