Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am so unbelievably domesticated

1) For Thanksgiving, we went to the prof's house who teaches my Hellenistic Literature course. Dinner conversation ranged from the history of Alexander the Great (of course) to Italy to kids to Korean soap operas. All this intellectualism, and yet what did we, as in the majority of the nine adults present, spend most of our time doing? Sitting on the floor playing with the kids.

2) Shabbat dinner last night was with new friends who we met through Tot Shabbats at temple. The couple's son is 10 months. None of us ever really finished dinner... we just took turns eating, feeding the babies, playing with the dogs, and helping the kidlets "walk" (which Xander can do holding onto someone by just one hand, by the way). Dinner conversation? Breast-feeding vs formula, stay at home mom versus working parents, Jonathan's new Android phone, and temple politics. At the end of the night it was so late we knew Xander would fall asleep on the way home, so we borrowed some PJ's from their son, and promised to return them on our next playdate.

3) Our big excursion today was to the Florence, Kentucky mall, about a half hour away. Why? Because we heard they had a great kids' play area. So after a short trip to Lady Foot Locker to buy me new sneakers (so sad, because I like cute shoes but can only really wear one brand of tennies with major support, because of my previous foot surgeries) - we went to everywhere Xander liked - to see the fountain, the bean bag store, the carousel, the big kids going down the slide, etc. We ended the evening at Once Upon a Child, the children's consignment store, and picked up some awesome Hanukkah gifts for a whopping total of $11. Jonathan and I were so excited about the variety of kid's toys, I can't even begin to tell you. They had a great selection of my favorite brand, Melissa and Doug!

So overall, yeah. I look in the mirror and ask myself... at what point exactly did I become my parents?


Anonymous said...

I clicked on that Once Upon a Child. What a great idea! Is there one near you? I'd love to browse around in there and fill my cart.

What excites me is that you seem to be having so much fun growing up. Kol haKavod!!!!

Sheryl said...

We loved Once upon a Child - especially for the infant stage. The pickings got much slimmer for kids in the running around and tearing the knees our stage!

Michal said...

Savta, there's one about a half hour away, which we love. And Sheryl, exactly - we're making the most of it while we still can!

Janet said...

I loved reading that your intellectual conversations took place while playing on the floor with your kids. What fabulous role modeling and parenting. Plus, when this stage is over, it's over. Enjoy every minute of it, every minute.