Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For FOUR DAYS IN A ROW, it's only taken a half hour to put Xander to bed! We start our ritual around 6:30 and he's out by 7, 7:15 latest! Jonathan and I even watched a movie the other night. It was kinda surreal, we kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and the monitor to broadcast screams. But it never did. He didn't wake up until 3:45am, and then he nursed with his eyes closed and went right back to bed. PLUS he now has a regular nap schedule. I want to send Elizabeth Pantley a huge bouquet of flowers.

Also, if you want to be amazed, watch this: Did You Know? Progress of Information Technology. Sony played it at their executive conference last year. On a completely different note, Savta recommended Ghost Riders by Sharyn McCrumb to me, and having read it, I pass on the recommendation to you. It was fun historical fiction about how the Civil War played out in the Appalachian mountains, like a sprawling Southern epic. It was set in both Civil War times and today with Civil War reenactors, with a ghost story to boot.


Anonymous said...

MAZEL TOV!! Your patience and creativity in parenting constantly amazes me and leaves me in awe. I love and respect you both!

Michal said...

(blush) Aww, thank you!

Anonymous said...

There is no improving upon what your mom said about your parenting, and the success you're having is evident. Xander is thriving, and your pleasure nourishes all of you. I am thrilled and amazed by you!!!!
All my love,
yer SavtaRahbah

Michal said...

You guys are such a good fan club. :)