Thursday, February 19, 2009

Five instances of marvelous goodness

1) Putting Xander to bed is going better. No crying, just a little whining now. It still takes hours, but last night he slept from 9pm to 6:30am STRAIGHT, not waking once. He likes the new CD (the lullaby one that my congregants in Mattoon gave us), and during his nap today he even cuddled his teddy bear (go Savta). The main good news is that he's stopped needing to nurse to go to sleep and can now be rocked or put in the bouncy chair. This is GREAT because now Jonathan can put him to bed too, not just me. Aside from the suggestions of all you wonderful people, I credit The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley. She speaks about the importance of routine, how to get a kid off of nursing-to-sleep dependence, how to encourage naps, etc. I highly recommend it!

2) This cracked me up: someone in my New Testament class invited me to join her study group. Sure, I said, and thanks for asking me. "Of course!" she replied. "You love Jesus more than anyone I know!"

3) I made a new radio station on, of oldies music, based on the Beatles and Peter, Paul and Mary. It's really relaxing and the baby coos along with it.

4) I fit into pre-pregnancy clothes! At least most of them. Somehow I have a feeling that my hips will never go back, will they?

5) For my Valentine's present I now have a super-duper fast computer! Yay techie husbands. AND he wrote me a program - a new romantic message appears whenever my laptop boots up. Isn't that sweet? (I had wondered what he was doing on my laptop when I heard him say to Simcha, "Sweetheart, don't chew the laptop cord. If you eat it you're going to have serious fluff issues.")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#1. This is GREAT NEWS!! Mazel tov.
#2. Bless their hearts. They just don't get it.
#3. Yay! Another generation growing up on Peter, Paul, and Mary!!!
#4. I urge you to come to love your hips....I suspect they are yours as they are forever!
#5. It gives me such joy knowing that Jonathan takes care of you in ways that are important to you.

I love and miss you all.