Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kid creativity

The holiday of Purim is coming up, so in Sunday school we're doing Purim prep: during library we read books on Queen Esther and during music we sang Purim songs. There's a tradition that whenever the name Haman (the bad guy at Purim) is read/sung, you say Boo!! And when the heroes' names are read/sung, you cheer. Well, the music teacher and I decided to get creative and get them involved with every name. Whenever we sang Haman, we asked what they wanted to say and they said boo! They decided that Esther was huzzah! and King Ahasheurus was feast! (because he liked to party). Following on this logic, what do you think my 3rd grade class chose to shout for Mordecai's name? Any ideas? Can you guess it?


Yeah, that was my reaction too. But hey, they were into it, so peanut pickle!! it was, and they shouted it with vigor.

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