Sunday, February 8, 2009

In the spirit of Facebook: 25 (well really 10) things about the week

1) Xander now has tooth #2. Our medicine cabinet is well-stocked with Oragel, homeopathic teething tablets, Tylenol, and Ibuprofin. What does he like best? To gnaw on our fingers.

2) Elbie had her baby shower yesterday. So much pink-ness: onesies, blankets, dresses, toys, everything was pink. My gift was not pink. The only vaguely pink part of anything I brought was the inside of the strawberries in the fruit platter. I filled the middle section with vanilla yogurt as a dip, people seemed to like it.

3) Today at Sunday school was the Tu B'shvat seder. I got to help "clean up" the yummy leftovers of kiwis, strawberries, apples, grapes, peaches, and more. Oh no. Poor me.

4) Also from the seder, the temple where I work doesn't recycle! I brought home three empty plastic containers of grape juice to put in our bin at home. They were just going to throw them away.

5) Jeffrey came over to watch a movie with Jonathan when I was teaching this morning. Instead they ended up installing a tax program online and doing computer things. Color me surprised.

6) Shopping at Whole Foods, I took a break to get a smoothie. I noticed that the man at the table next to me was smiling as I talked to Xander. He looked up and made small talk, and I invited him to join me. Turns out he's an evangelical Christian who was fascinated with a female rabbinical student, and we sat there for over half an hour discussing salvation, the Book of Revelations, the historical Jesus and Jesus as Messiah, and orthodox ideology. It was not at all what I was expecting, but was a great conversation nonetheless.

7) Yesterday proved the maxim "like father, like son." When Jonathan and I were both gone for a few hours, Sarah came over to watch Xander. She reported that he was quite happy gurgling to her and playing with his rattle until she took out her Iphone. When he saw it he immediately dropped the rattle and reached for the pretties.

8) I got my haircut a few days ago and had the stylist do it straight, just for kicks. I was told by one person that I looked fabulous, by another that I looked like a model, and by yet another that I was "fancy and glamorous." It was very nice, but made me wonder how I usually look. If only making it straight wasn't so much work...

9) Does anyone watch the show The Big Bang Theory on CBS? Jonathan and I have gotten hooked on it through Netflix. The two main characters are physicists at CalTech, play Klingon Boggle, own major sci-fi memorabilia and have a weekly Halo (video game) night. Jonathan relates all too well to the main geek, and I sympathize with the geek's girlfriend. I'm so glad that our nerd-dom is finally being represented on primetime.

10) And last but certainly not least, shout out to Doron - happy birthday!


Janet said...

Good for you for taking home the bottles to recycle. How organizations can still be unconscious and not work to go green is beyond me. It's not like it takes a lot of effort!

And MAZEL TOV on Xander getting another tooth! WOW....he must be setting all kinds of records. Two teeth by four months old? Oy. He'll be eating steak by a year!

And your experience at Whole Foods sounds like your perfect respite in a busy day.

I love you and miss you all. Can't wait to see you all and hug that big boy. I can't believe I haven't held him since he was 3 weeks old and look how big he is now!


Anonymous said...

It blows me away that you would ever ever think about straightening your gorgeous wavy curly hair. Imagine! Giving the raspberry to such a precious gift of Nature!

yer Savta

Tara said...

oh goodness...straight hair is really hard to maintain! mine is naturally wavy, and to straighten it all the time is too time consuming, and plus, it's so bad for your hair! boo...but occasionally is always fun to do. :)

Michal said...

Thanks Mom! Yeah, I don't know why more places here don't recycle. Do you know that in a few polls I've seen, Cincinnati is ranked one of the most unhealthiest cities in the US?

And Savta, straight hair is the trend now. Tara, I agree. It's fun sometimes, but not for everyday!