Friday, February 13, 2009

Chocolate, visitors, and new clothing

Sandra and David sent over chocolate truffles for Valentine's Day. They are GOOD! They sent us two tins and one of them is already gone. As for the day itself, Batya volunteered to watch Xander so Jonathan and I get some time together. For the icing on the cake, for my V-Day gift I requested that Jonathan make my computer faster, so more RAM is on its way.

My college friend Alice is moving to Korea in a couple weeks, but she was in Ohio and stopped by to say hello. We schmoozed, ate yummy food, and caught up. I hadn't seen her since my wedding, so there was plenty to say.

And I realized I posted the pictures of Sarah and I shopping on Monday without telling you what we were shopping for: I now have knee-length boots! I've always wanted a pair, and Dillard's had a 70% off sale. One can't resist such numbers. We also went to the GAP outlet in Kentucky, and I picked up three new pairs of jeans for guess how much? $1.99 each. I'm telling you, my new wardrobe cost less than our lunch!

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