Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wiggle ultrasound pics

Wiggle profile - you can click on the picture to make it bigger and see Jonathan's labels.

Wiggle foot

Wiggle boy bits


Sheryl said...

Well, I can see the head and nose! I'm going to take your word for the rest of it. - but really - this is truly awesome! all the best to all of you.

I have been sending your mom as much positive healthy energy as I can. I hope her trip goes well.

Unknown said...

hey Michal and Jonathan,,
this is Michelle Posalski,, just want to say Mazal tov on the new addition,, love your blogs and with you both all the wonderful things that come along with being new parents,, Hope to hear more soon,,Talked to Janet the day she left and she sounded a bit horse but very happy about her trip,,, Hope your grandmother is ok and talk soon,,lots of good wishes coming from down under,,lol