Sunday, May 25, 2008


Mattoon was absolutely amazing. There were 18 people there for the last service, which is more than even came for Yom Kippur. (Remember, there are only eight families.) The service went really well, and my sermon even moved a few people to tears. During the announcements at the end, they presented me with two CDs of Hebrew and Yiddish lullabies. And one of the women spent a month making the baby a quilt!! It's adorable, with teddy bears and a pale blue backing. The ride there and back was beautiful even, with all the fields on the way sprouting green, and lush trees everywhere.

Today I did nothing. NOTHING. As in, slept til 1pm and then afterwards took a nap. It's been glorious.

My only other news, somewhat depressing, is that my wedding ring doesn't fit well anymore. I took it off and put on my engagement ring instead, which is a size or two bigger. Sigh. But then again, it's okay to gain lots of weight when you're six months pregnant, right? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gain it, baby! Plus, you are probably retaining some water in your hands. It's all good!