Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And other less important things..

- I've finished all my papers but one due on the 28th. I've actually gotten some back already and have done well so far.

- Jonathan's release (work thing) went long this weekend. He was on the phone for 36 hours straight. I brought him Mountain Dew at regular intervals. During quiet parts of the call he amused himself by tracking our Mini on the website. It's currently "scheduled for production," with an ETA to get to us in the first week of August.

- We got a table pad for our nice dining room table, because the cats are already clawing it. Practice for children, yes?

- I picked up a Bar Mitzvah tutoring job for the summer. It'll be nice to keep up my teaching skills over the summer, plus it's some extra money.

- It's rained so much here that the lawn is growing like... well, like a weed. We need to buy a lawnmower, getting a gardener to come this often is ridiculous. The only catch is that Jonathan and I are both allergic to grass. Sigh.. this gardening thing really didn't seem so complicated when we lived in a desert.

- This past weekend was the last day of Sunday school. The year went by fast! I also confirmed I'm officially going to teach the same grade next year. That makes things *so* much easier in terms of using the same lesson plans.

- One of Jonathan's coworkers is giving us a dresser for our guest room, yay. So when you people visit to see Wiggly in October you no longer will have to live out of a suitcase. :)

- I have one last pulpit visit this weekend, which I have very mixed feelings about. I'm glad it's over because I'm ready for a break, but I'll miss the people.

- Everyone wish my mom Refua Shleima (healing). Jan and Beverly are planning to leave for Israel on Friday, but Jan was just diagnosed with bronchitis. I told her, how are you supposed to go tromping all over Jerusalem to see my old stomping grounds if you can't breathe?!

I started summer school and OY it's long, but it's actually not as bad as I feared. The prof is really into it, so despite myself I am too. Did you know that the character who argues with God about Job in the Bible is called "hasatan," THE satan, which was the word for a Babylonian prosecutor? It wasn't a negative thing at all, but translated as The Adversary. It's only in the second Temple period that haSatan became Satan the devil. Cool, huh?

And that's life this week in a nutshell.

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