Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mazel tov!

To Kim and Ari, on their as-yet-unnamed baby girl. I think that pregnancy is in the water here: half the people I know are either getting pregnant, giving birth, or are trying to conceive. Maybe it's the age too... three years ago everyone was getting married.

Simcha's cheek is doing much better, btw. Aside from keeping his left eye half-closed, he's acting almost totally normal again.

AND we made a decision about the car. Mini Cooper Clubman it is! You only live once.


Anonymous said...

Good Adonai! I must be about 6 months behind on journal entries. I only had the vaguest sense that you two were expecting. Congratulations on surviving your first Vet ER trip and also finishing school (again, for about the 3rd time now, nerd). Are there such things as Jewish god parents? and how does one apply for that role?!? (cuz if I'm up against Savta I stand about as much chance as a glass cup at a wedding)

Michal said...

Antonio, you crack me up!!! I couldn't stop laughing.

So, to address your points:
1) Read the blog more. :)
2) Pbbbttthh, fellow-nerd. Takes one to know one!
3) And finally, as everyone knows, one becomes a godparent by applying! The applications are then carefully weighted according to such things as friendship and love (blah blah blah), amount of chocolate that comes with the envelope, and how many zeros appear on the check. But have no fear, even those who play the role of the smushed glass still get invited to the brit/naming ceremony.

Anonymous said...

So basically I'll be cast out to gnash my teeth because we've all seen the photographic evidence of Savta's extraordinary (read undetectable enlargment encantation) packing abilities.
