Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The ultimate dragon peril

Xander is getting a cold, and is slightly congested.  Fifteen minutes after bedtime, he starts to cough.  He coughs so much that Jonathan goes into the closet and brings out the humidifier.  He fills it up with water, carries it to Xander's room, and plugs it in, all the while explaining to Xander exactly what he's doing and why.

Ten minutes after that, Xander starts to scream.  Jonathan and I tag-team, so this time, it's my turn to rush in.

M: "Honey, what's wrong?!" 

X: "Norbert!  He'll get burned!!"

I look over at Norbert the stuffed dragon.  He's sitting very calmly next to the humidifier.  If anything he's going to get wet, not burned.

M: "What do you mean, get burned?  He's right here.  He'll be fine."

X (sniffling): "Nooo!"  He turns to Norbert.  "Don't get burned."  He turns back to me, holding out his hands. "I want him."

M (perplexed, handing X the dragon):  "Can you tell me why you think he'll get burned?"

X: "Because of the fire!!  Daddy said, 'come see fire.'  I DON'T WANT NORBERT TO GET BURNED!!!"

And then I got it.  The proverbial light bulb went off.  The cartoon hammer hit me over the head.

Humidifier = come see fire.  

Stifling my laughter, I looked down at my very worried son, and explained that Norbert was safe.  There were no flames in sight. And the humidifier, the machine that made the air wet, was going to help him AND Norbert breathe better.

I left the room smiling.  And what do you know?  After that, all was quiet in the land of toddlers and dragons.


Sheryl said...

So glad that Xander and the dragon were able to settle down so you all could sleep!

Janet said...

Omigod! This post is the best. I love Xander's worry and concern and his need to comfort both Norbert and himself. Ah, love. Ain't it grand? What a love he is.

Janet said...

Oh! And your response, Michal, was absolutely perfect. Thank you for stifling your giggles. It was so serious for him. He was truly worried. And the fact that you actually UNDERSTOOD and then took the time to comfort him and explain to him what was actually happening simply proves what a terrific mother you are.

I love that Jonathan explained what he was doing when he was setting up the machine too. Terrific parenting.

Reminded me of a moment long ago when you, Michal, a mere 3 years old, were sitting in the backseat of the car and heard the traffice report on the radio announce something about the San Bernadino Freeway. But what did you hear? YOU heard your aunt and uncle's names....the Sandra and Dino Freeway!

Still makes me smile.

Keep up the good work, you two. You're raising 2 great boys.