Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fourth of July... 10 days later

Smokers were the big hit... and running through the smoke was the best part.

All the neighbors' grandkids came to see the fireworks.  Two girls were in the grass, staying far away.  The 8 year-old with the lighter helped Jonathan light the fuse on this one.  And note Osher in the background.  He stayed the whole time, no doubt "protecting" us.


Run Xander run!

Ah, the energy of the young.

Example of a little, non-smoker firework.

Erin watching Jonathan light the Roman candle.  Ari watching her shoulder.

Utterly passed out.  Note the drool spot on her white shirt!  (Erin's a good sport.)

After Xander went to bed, Jonathan and Tim had a fencing competition.

Playing with the exposure so the light shows up in patterns of their choosing.

Tim making an "M" for my name.

Hidden by the light.

And last but not least, some of the traces left in the sky.


Janet said...

Fabulous pics! And it looks like everyone had great fun and a safe time! I just love to see the joy on Xander's face as he runs around!!! And Ari! What a sweet thing he is. It was just all too much for him....little exhausted boy.
Love you all.

Sheryl said...

What fun! I remember those (or similar) from when I was kid.

Michal said...

This was the first 4th I really had fun with... kids make it all different!