Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Top ten things I learned over the long weekend

10) Yo-yo-ing isn't as hard as it looks! For some reason I never learned how. But Jonathan gave me some tips, and I am now a successful yo-yo-er. The best feedback came from Xander, who shouted with a huge smile: "MOMMY! You DID it!"

9) Jonathan says he can't cook steak. But he lies, it was excellent.

8) Motorcycle stores are fun to browse through, even when we're not buying anything. Xander was in awe.

7) Watching The Green Hornet was an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back. Becca taught us a word years ago that describes it perfectly: craptastic. It was so bad, it was almost an art form.

6) The higher you want the clothing size to be, the younger you are. (Alternatively, the older you get, the more you want a low clothing size.) I'm thrilled that Ari's in six months clothing, delighted that Xander's in 3T, and utterly depressed that most of my clothes are still maternity.

5) Push-up popsicles are just as popular this generation as they were in mine.

4) Ninety percent of my breast milk for Ari turns into drool.

3) Annie's bunnies are just as good as Pepperidge Farm goldfish. And they now sell them at Costco, hooray!

2) It doesn't matter the season or how many layers of clothes we wear. There is ALWAYS a ton of laundry.

1) Best recipe for an ecstatic toddler: strip him naked, put on the sprinklers, and tell him to run.

The 4th of July was awesome as well... but that's a separate post for later.


Janet said...

10) You were too busy reading! And go Xander for giving you positive reinforcement. You know where he learned how to do that, don't you? Keep up the good work!

9) Go J!

8) Please don't let him ride one. Please don't let him ride one. Please don't let him ride one.

7) HAHAHA!! Almost rented it at Blockbuster the other day but just couldn't get myself to. Now I'm happy I didn't!

6) Be kind to yourself. You already told us that your jeans are regular ones. You'll get there!

5)They were popular in my generation too! And always will be I suspect!

4) Oy. Lucky you.

3)WOOHOO! I suspect they're healthier?

2)Ah, the joys of adulthood. I'm living with two teens who love towels. I swear I wash every towel I own every weekend!!!

1)All I can do is smile. Tupperware and running naked through the sprinklers. What a joy.

I love you bunches and bunches! And miss you just as much!


Michal said...

Mom, best comment EVER!