Monday, November 15, 2010

My childhood, revisited

My mother used to tell me the story of how once when I was two years old, I refused to wear any of the clothes she wanted to put on me. After coaxing and cajoling, she finally gave up and held me in front of the closet so I could pick my own outfit.

27 years later, the cycle is repeated. This morning Xander refused to wear ANY of the clothes I suggested. So what did I do? I picked him up and held him in front of the closet. He immediately pointed to a shirt, said THIS very loudly and distinctly, then grabbed it from my hands and was quite happy to change out of his pajamas.

I think it's cosmic payback.

Also? In school news, the HUC book sale was today. I got 25 books for a dollar each. Score! AND my secret source on the LA campus is keeping an eye out for me too, so I'm hoping there will be even more books in my future.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your book acquisitions!

As for Xander's insistence on choosing his own clothes -- oh yes! that's a direct inheritance from his mother. I remember that my dearest friend Bruria knitted an adorable dress for you when you were two years old, but no way in the whole wide world could you be convinced to even try it on! I had to "lie" to Bruria, assuring her that the dress was perfect for you, that Jan preferred it to all others, blah, blah, blah. I'm not good at lying, but I knew that Bruria had invested her heart in that dress and I could not hurt her feelings.
In truth, I admire Xander for the strength of his subtle discrimination.

Janet said...

I remember that day, Michal! I couldn't believe that you really were capable of picking your own clothes. But you did! It blew me away. And I remember the dress that you're referring to, Mom. I finally gave it and fresh as the day it was received.

Janet said...

You now probably have another 20-25 titles to add to your collection. The head librarian, the director of the rabbinical program and Sheryl all made recommendations!

Michal said...

YAY for books! And LOL at the stories... I remember NOTHING, I swear.

Janet said...

I'm afraid to go back into the library to look at the remaining books (the equivalent of bookcases and a large table filling one full room!). I think that already I need an extra suitcase to carry what I bought for you!!!!!

Happy early Hanukah!!!