Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Package from Savta!

Remember that fabulous shopping cart that Savta bought Xander in Israel? It wouldn't fit in the suitcase, so she shipped it here!

Here we are tearing the paper. It was a very serious process.

Simcha, of course, had to help out.

Inside the box were books for me and Xander, a few miscellaneous items, and the shopping cart!

Xander was very upset with Jonathan; he had to use a screwdriver to put it together, and that wasn't nearly fast enough for babeleh's taste.

Finally, a completed cart!

Ooh, and a touch-and-feel book. What a good gift!

He was in very good mood when we ate dinner a half hour later:

And finally, to finish off our evening: Simcha still wanted to be part of the fun, so at bathtime, he literally jumped in the bathtub with Xander and splashed around for a while.

As you can tell by his face, he did not approve of Jonathan taking his picture. We have very, very odd children.

1 comment:

Janet said...

1. It looks like Xander is enjoying the shopping cart as much at home as he did in Israel!

and 2) You have very bizarre cats.
