Friday, April 16, 2010

LOL of the day

Jonathan was in the kitchen making challah from scratch as we were talking about what to have for Shabbat dinner. "Quesadillas or burritos?" I suggested. "Nah," he said. "How about chicken and mashed potatoes?"

Both options sounded good to us, so I decided to ask Xander.

"Xander, what do you want for dinner?"

And the little bugger went right to the freezer, opened the door, pointed at the ice cream, and said, very distinctly, "THIS!"


Savta said...

Yay Hooray! That's one of the words he learned in Israel.
Deee-lighted to see he's brought it back home. We sure do miss him. So we give Youtube "Xander and Nimal Dancing" a workout, and I have to be content with kissing his picture.

Michal said...

Savta, at this very moment I'm uploading all the other videos, so soon you'll have even more to see!

Sheryl said...

that would be my favorite dinner too!