Saturday, April 17, 2010

Only the babeleh

Today I was in Indiana at my pulpit. I left at 7am and got back after dinner. It was good, but tiring.

Xander, on the other hand, had an invigorating day. Apparently he and Jonathan walked to the park after lunch. A twelve-year-old girl happened to be having her birthday party there. She, her mother, and her friends all thought that he was just oh-so-cute, and fawned over him.

So Xander came into the park with nothing but the clothes on his back and the diaper bag on Daddy's shoulder. He left with:

A blue balloon
Ice cream in a cup
A white cupcake
And a blue birthday hat with pictures of dogs on it.

He was so excited to show me everything when I got home. Boy, that kid knows how to work a crowd!

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