Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grandparents and great-grandparents

I am sitting here in my grandmother's office, watching her and my mother watch Xander as he plays with the innumerable medicine bottles on the desk. So far he's stacked them, turned them upside down, shaken them, tried to open them, and done everything else a toddler can think of to do. Both my grandmother and my mother are in awe. My father and my other grandmother were the exact same way. I think it's a generational thing. I love him too, but last night I still wanted to make Xander stew out of him after he refused to go to bed until 3am and then woke up four times after that.

Maybe when I'm a grandparent, I'll have that look of absolute adoration on my face. For now, I'll have to be content with just regular unconditional love... coupled with the occasional parental annoyance.


Anonymous said...

M, You are just a wealth of fabulous insights. I adore reading your musings. From your description, I can really picture X, your mom and your grandmother just sitting there in awe.

And yes, your time will come.


Jonathan said...

I second your comment love! It must be tough feeling so annoyed with him when everyone around you thinks he walks on water. You'll have plenty of sympathy when you get back.

It will be a rude awakening for Xander when he get's home. He will have enforced bed times, no fan club, and no breast feeding. He's going to be so unhappy. Though I think the last part will be the most upsetting.