Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First haircut. And first car. It was a big weekend.

Jonathan took Xander to get his first haircut. Xander was fine with the finished product. I had some issues. Jonathan has however apologized profusely (Godiva chocolate-covered strawberries were involved). And he's agreed not to cut his hair again until he's 3. I will say this though - while I'm sad that the curls are gone, he does look older.

A little dubious at first.

Totally ignoring what's going on on top of his head.

Daddy, do you see the toy?!

Happy shorn boy.

The next afternoon, our neighbor had some shiny new toys in her backyard: CARS!!!! Xander tried them out and went for a spin.

The joy of steering.

Hooray for cars!!

The ultimate pleasure: the neighbor's granddaughter's new mini-Mini Cooper. (She said she had to keep up with us somehow :))


Janet said...

Well, it's obvious that you live in Ohio and that your 'stylist' believes she knows what a 'boy's haircut' is. Mid-west mentality. Phooey! Absolutely no appreciation for or talent for cutting curls. Thank God hair grows back.

Thankfully, Xander would undoubtedly look good bald. He's such a cute kid!

From a bubby who misses his curls.

Jessica said...

It's true, he's still adorable! But it's true: few stylists know what to do with curls. I think I had that same hairstyle through about 2nd or 3rd grade. It looks better on Xander :)

Michal said...

Mom, yeah, that's so true. Next time we take him for a haircut (which won't be for a looong time), we'll give VERY specific instructions.

And Jessica - hahaha, I want to see pictures of you as a kid now!