Monday, October 31, 2011

Pilots, trombones, and bling. Life is good.

This was the plane ride back to Cincinnati... forgot to download it from the camera.

The pilot helping him with the chair lever.

Ari "reading" a magazine.  Once we finish one, he gets to play with it and crumple all the pages.

Now for a glimpse into our lazy Shabbat mornings:

I hesitate to put this online, but hopefully you'll focus on the cute kids and not on the fact that I hadn't yet brushed my hair that day.

  Pajama playtime!   The blue dinosaur is romping about around the castle.

Dancing with necklace decorations and frog boots.

I like this series because of Ari's movements.  Watch him creep closer and closer to the shiny necklaces!

"Oooh, that looks interesting."

"I think I want to try."

"I'm getting there, I'm working it..."

"And... almost!"  
The next picture, had we taken it, would have been of Ari grabbing the necklaces and Xander complaining.

In his new high chair and utterly thrilled about it.

Doing a high-chair dance.

Pleased as punch to be at the table with us.

Let me close by sharing with you a new song we use when washing our hands, courtesy of Xander.  (I love that he teaches me songs he learned in school.)

To the tune of "Frere Jacques":

Top and bottom,
top and bottom,
Rub them both together,
rub them both together.
You are clean,
you are clean.


Anonymous said...

Omygosh!!!! Those boys are OUT OF THIS WORLD, and the home environment they're growing up in is HEAVEN!

I'm gonna stay up all night watching this post over and over and over until lunch time tomorrow!

And I love your hair unbrushed, Michal. Ari's hair is getting lighter, isnt' it? looked black when he was born. As for Xander, you can pick his blonde curls out of a crowd anytime, anywhere!!!!


Michal said...

Well, I refuse to blamed if you're all tired tomorrow!

And YES - it was thick and black when he was born, but it fell out and came in much much lighter. Now he looks like he actually belongs in our family. :)

Sheryl said...

another great set of pics. I"m amazed that the pilot let him into the cockpit.

Michal said...

So were we, Sheryl! Turns out all you have to do is smile cutely at the flight attendants. At least, that's Xander's MO and it seems to be working.