Friday, October 21, 2011

Sappiness of the day

Actually, of a few days ago, but I forgot to blog it, so oh well.

At bedtime I was talking with Xander about growing up, and when he was a baby like Ari, and other things that I don't remember.  And he says, very seriously, "Mommy, when you're a baby, I'll put you in the carrier and we'll take walks."  "What?" I asked, confused.  "You have pictures of when you were a baby, on the wall," he clarified.

And at that moment I realized two things - one, he thought life was cyclical.  He saw my mother's framed pictures in the hallway of when I was young, and thought that I would go back to being a baby one day.  It reminded me of myself, when I was little and saved the "1987 Cat Calendar" for when 1987 came around again.  The months of the year and the days of the week always came back, so it made sense to me.  I can see how it would make sense to Xander.

And two - he wanted to take care of me!  Sniff.


Janet said...

You're not the only one who's sniffing.
Sending warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

And you two are not the only ones who are sniffing....
