Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sticking to my values

I just got a funny, witty, adorable email from a Christian home-birther friend of mine asking me (and everyone else on the email list) to help with fundraising and buy her son's Cub Scout popcorn.

I debated for a long time before hitting "reply all" and sending this response:

Hi ----,

First, thank you so much for including me in this email!  I appreciate that you thought of me.  I do like popcorn, and I do want to support your kids.

BUT... the Boy Scouts have been vehement in their exclusion of gay scouts and leaders, even kicking them out once they come out, and going to the Supreme Court to uphold their decisions.  I can't in good conscience support any organization that is so strongly in opposition to my core values of tolerance and diversity.

I'm sorry that means I can't buy from your sons.  But when Girl Scout cookie time comes around, count me in. :)

B'shalom (in peace),

The whole thing seems so frustrating.  I like my friend, and I honestly do want to help her kids.  And I think that Boy Scouting has some really great things going for it.  But that 2000 Supreme Court decision really got to me.  

I'd write more on a tirade, but this blog says it better than I could.  Go read!


Janet said...

Bravo, Michal. You have once again earned my respect. btw, did you know the blog post is too big for the space and we lose words on every line? Can it be fixed?
Love you,

Michal said...

Hmm, I didn't know that. I just deleted it; people can still follow the link.