Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The last of the vacation photos

This was actually from before we left, when Ari was feeling adventurous and kept wanting what was on my plate.  Hence, banana eating.  He's had it a few times since and so far, is a fan of smushing, but not so much the putting-it-in-his-mouth part.

On both Delta flights, we asked the flight attendants if Xander could visit the pilots.  He was a little intimidated I think, but really liked it nonetheless.  On the way to CA, one of the pilots actually vacated his chair so Xander could sit there.  Plus he let him flip a couple switches.  Xander was in heaven.

For broader context.

Ari, Mike, and Lois with our sumptuous dessert spread from Katella Bakery.

Antonio, Marleena with Kara (2 months old), and me in front of Marleena's new house

Ari and Kara having parallel play.  Kind of.  Ari is too fascinated with Antonio (note his elf shoes) to pay too much attention to anything else.

Bubbies exude comfiness and sleepiness.  It's in their job description.

Ari having fun with Kathleen.

Smiley smiley boy.

Mom got Xander a recumbent car for walks around the neighborhood.  It was a major hit.

He was fast on that car, I tell you.  He kept racing ahead and then getting impatient when we strolled along more slowly.

Come on already!!!

I guess if our kids have attitude, we have no one to blame but ourselves!

1 comment:

Janet said...

What a marvelous trip it was with all of you here in California. And how I miss you BIGTIME! Sigh.