Monday, January 17, 2011

Feeling old

Or at least, like an adult.

The good adult part today was very strange... I had a meeting with the director of Xander's preschool to talk about the biting problem in his classroom. It's prevalent. And some kid bit Xander last week, so a few days later he bit someone else. Jonathan and I were not happy, it was completely learned behavior. Upshot of the story is, the director and the teachers are wholly aware of the issue and shared ways that they're trying to change the classroom dynamics. It was still odd though to be the one instigating a parent-teacher conference.

The bad part of being an adult is that I'm tired of being responsible. I'm tired of taking 10 pills a day, of various supplements to help with the pregnancy. They're all horse pills. I'm tired of using a Neti pot three times a day to get rid of my cold, because I can't take meds. It works, but I still don't like the feeling. And I'm tired of pricking my finger 4 times a day to test my blood sugar. I understand the midwife's reasoning, that doing this for a series of days gives a more accurate reading for how your body actually reacts to sugar than doing the standard "drink a gallon of glucose water" test, but it's still annoying. And the pinprick hurts.

And worst of all... classes start tomorrow. Two of my AJA clients asked me for more work, and they're regular clients so I can't put them off too much. And my thesis proposal is due next week. Aagh! I think being almost eight months along is starting to effect my mood at this point. Too much to do, too little time!


Janet said...

Feel yourself hugged, honey. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of positive energy your way! <3

Sheryl said...

oh those lovely parent-teacher conferences! Caleb was a hair-puller at that age. He would look directly at you and say "no pull hair" and meanwhile his hand was grabbing a handful of some other child's hair.

You have a lot going on - its no wonder that you have moments of being overwhelmed! hang in there!

Michal said...

Thanks, everyone. I do feel much better. Turns out Xander had an ear infection, too, so that explains some of his grumpiness. When he felt better, I did too!