Friday, January 14, 2011

Things that make me happy

1) Four of my interlibrary loan books came today! They're ones I was really waiting for. I went to pick them up today because the school will be closed Monday, and I want to work on my proposal more over the weekend. I had to stop myself from doing a happy dance when I got to the circulation desk. Noni the librarian laughed at me anyway. :)

2) Remember when Jonathan went to Seattle to visit Ania? She gifted him with a new-to-us laptop that didn't work. Well, Jonathan spent the last week fixing it, and now it's perfect!! I spent last night downloading Skype and Bibleworks and such onto it, and backing up all my files from my current laptop (which is six years old and has a large white stripe down the screen). So tomorrow I'll move everything over, and then I'll have a perfectly new laptop, 1/4 the weight, with no stripe!

3) I cooked dinner tonight. Well, I made mac and cheese. With peas. Does that count? I would say yes, but Jonathan's already rolling his eyes. And I have this vague memory of Sarah, the daughter of one of my mom's closest friends, cooking her family Thanksgiving dinner at the age of 12. Oh well. A year ago, all I could do is microwave. Now I can make eggs, pasta, and rice. It's a good start, no?

4) Xander's logic. The baby was moving around a lot, so I put his hand on my belly. "Can you feel the baby kicking?" I asked. His eyes lit up as he nodded yes. "Me kick Mommy too!"

5) The Princess Bride in 30 seconds, with bunnies. Hilarious.


Janet said...

1. That was ME who cooked Thanksgiving dinner. But I was 10. Well, my first turkey at least.
2. Kick Mommy? Oh, yeah, the twos have arrived.

Anonymous said...

#4 He may want to breastfeed too.

Michal said...

Mom, you may have cooked too, but I was actually thinking of Sarah H-R.

And Savta- I'm sure of it!

Anonymous said...

I got a big kick out of The Princess Bride with Bunnies because it reminded me that WE saw it togther when it was brand new
(1987/88?) at Dizengoff Center, and we enjoyed it so much. "As you wish..."

Janet said...

Lynn's theory is that Xander actually remembered kicking you before he was born. She might be right!