Monday, January 31, 2011

Recreations Outlet

This Saturday we went to Liam's second birthday party at Recreations Outlet, an indoor heaven for kids. We've brought Xander there before but this weekend he was old enough to really get into it. Basically it's a showroom for the people who make the huge jungle gyms. Suffice it to say the party was a huge success!

Just one tiny section of the place.

Jumping up and down.

Our little engineer, trying to figure out how it works.

The joy of swings.

What fun!

One get kisses everywhere!

Motorcycle riding.

He climbed up there himself.

And last but not least, the anatomy of a bounce. First we walk in with Liam, then check with Mommy that all is okay, then.... BOUNCE!


Sheryl said...

Wow! what fun - why didn't I know about this place when my kids were that age?!

Michal said...

No idea - maybe they didn't have it then? Your kids are OLD teens now, you know. :)