Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Constant changes

- I'm in my third trimester and feeling it. Getting up from chairs is more difficult than one would think.

- Xander started at a new daycare on Monday and loves it so far. When Jonathan and I picked him up today he said, "No go home! Play here!" and then he ran away.

- I solidified a thesis topic and am hard at work researching. My topic in sum: Exodus 22:17 says, "Thou shall not tolerate a sorceress," and the rabbinic literature is full of stories of "evil" women magicians. But Juvenal (historical source from 1st and 2nd century) writes that Jewish women were magicians in a positive way. So I'm gonna trace the chronology of Jewish sorceresses from Biblical through rabbinic times, examining the rabbinic sources in light of the broader Greco-Roman background. I'll start with the Biblical Exodus verse and the Witch of Endor in Samuel, then go to the Testament of Job, the Book of Enoch, Joseph Asaneth, Philo, Juvenal, and end with all the references in Talmud/Tosefta/other rabbinic books. It should be fun.

- Only one more week before school starts. And in that week I have a pulpit visit, more thesis proposal research to do, a project for the Dean's Office, and lots and lots of laundry. Amazing how fast vacations turn into working vacations. Good thing I like what I do!


Janet said...

Wow! I guess all that feminist stuff when you were growing up really paid off! HAHAHAHA

And why are you standing up from chairs? Isn't it time for recliners, chocolates, and People magazines??

I love you.

Sheryl said...

Sounds like a great topic - good luck!

Michal said...

Mom, I wish! And thanks Sheryl - I'll need it! :)