Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feeling less stressed

1) Turns out Xander had an ear infection last week, which explained the crankiness. Now he's on meds and is so much better, back to his usual self. I hadn't realized how much his attitude was stressing me out.

2) Support groups! Today was the toddler Tu Bishvat party at the JCC, and it was great to be among other parents. I saw all the usual toddler/parent friends, and then Ginger and her two girls and I went out to lunch. Xander couldn't care less about all the people, he was in love with the Bounce House.

3) Naps. Jonathan watched Xander yesterday while I slept for three hours in the middle of the day. It's amazing how sleep can revitalize me.

4) Reading for fun! I just finished Phillipa Gregory's The White Queen, which, to be honest, I didn't enjoy very much. I know she's gotten rave reviews for her historical novels, but I found this one at least to be too political, with not enough character development. Not to mention she killed off (or history killed off) all the characters I liked, and left me with the manipulative annoying ones. I also read The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook though and LOVED it. It's geared for kids, meaning it was fun reading and I can actually make the recipes. I put post-it notes on all the recipes I want us to make, some with Xander, some without. Unsurprisingly, they're mostly desserts. :)

5) And I'm trying very hard to think of a #5, but I can't. Make one up and email me!


Anonymous said...

Couldn't #5 be that you're in the homestretch on your thesis? That's gotta be a stress-reliever.

Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Oy! I neglected to note that you said "e-mail me" -- Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to recommend a movie. I just saw "Pascali's Island" with Ben Kingsley. A suspenseful thriller! I enjoyed it very much.

Michal said...

Haha Savta, no worries! And yes, #5 is that my thesis PROPOSAL is in the home stretch. The thesis itself isn't started!

And great, we'll add the movie to our list, thanks!