Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow day!

Six inches of snow in Cincinnati means that it's a snow day for the local schools, my mom's flight in was cancelled and since rescheduled, and Xander and Jonathan are outside sledding. Before they left though Xander wanted to "teach Torah," which involved putting on lots of kippot.

At this point he has three on.

Very focused Jewish driver.

Dressing up for the wild outdoors. Yentl thinks the door is a popsicle; she's literally licking it.

Once they got outside, it was a little overwhelming. No pictures of the sledding itself - Jonathan couldn't take them and I wasn't fool enough to venture outside of my cozy haven!


Sheryl said...

oh no! I hope Jan's flight wasn't delayed too much. very yucky travel weather.

I love your very holy child!

hollydlr said...

wah wah wah, we got 17 inches. hope your mom got in ok! :)

Michal said...

Sheryl, only by a couple hours. And Holly... pffft!! :)