Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where have the past few days gone?

I blinked and it's Wednesday night. I have lots of pictures to upload. And no time to do them.

In the meantime, here's an article I've been meaning to link to for a week.

Success and Scrutiny at Hebrew Charter School


Chana P said...

eh... I don't like the idea of a hebrew charter school. Its too easy to blur lines between church and state at that point... and with everything going on on the international scene right now, I feel like the Jewish people don't need a Supreme Court case being brought over this... just my two cents.
Miss you Michal! Oncce I've adjusted to camp, we really need to be in touch again!

Janet said...

Yeah, well, I hate to say it, but blink again and you'll be 40! Do your best to stay present and enjoy each day. At least that way when the days and years fly by, you'll have wonderful memories!
I love you.