Thursday, June 24, 2010

God Save the King of Beasts

A friend sent me this article:

It's both interesting and disturbing. My knee jerk reaction to the idea of lion burgers made from lion meat is total disgust. Not because I think it would have a particularly nasty taste, but I feel like eating a lion would be like eating a unicorn. They are too precious to be used as food. But now that I think about it, I seem to have a general aversion of eating predators in general. I can't really explain it, but it just feels wrong.

I must ask if I'm the only one that feels that way. Has any of our blog readers ever eaten a predator of any type? Would there be any type that you would consider eating?

That all said, what makes this story even more disgusting is the fact that none of this meat is USDA inspected. Who knows what's in it. There could be bullets from killing it, or bacteria/worms from unclean conditions. Simply gross. What is most disturbing of all though, is that the men involved didn't even question its quality or source. I'm not even sure if they are just lying to the reporters or to themselves. They looked no further than the profit to be made. I would never eat at that restaurant again.

This is exactly why unregulated capitalism would destroy America - but that's a discussion for another day.


Anonymous said...



Janet said...

Why must people go out of their way to kill? I find it disgusting.