Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crazy weekend

Rabbinical school friends are now ordained, and grad student and rabbinical friends have MAs and PhDs. It was a very celebratory weekend. Other things of note:

1) It was great to hang out with Anne and Carl. Their youngest can now say my name! She was barely talking last time we saw her. Time goes fast.

2) We now know NOT to keep Xander up past his bedtime when other children are involved. Let's just say it's a good thing that Anne and Carl's girls are so good-natured. We felt very embarrassed when 8pm rolled around and Xander kept hitting them with LEGOs.

3) Laundry sucks. Not that that has to do with anything, it was just on my mind so I thought I'd throw it out there. It feels like we just did 5 loads and already the darn basket is full again. Does it never end?!

4) I finished my summer class! At least, all the classwork part. I still have to write a long final paper. Oh well. It's progress.

5) It's a good thing I'm done, too, as CPE, my chaplaincy internship, starts tomorrow. 8:30-5 five days a week. It'll be just like being in the working world again. I just bought new comfy shoes for the occasion. Next up, I'm thinking, is some new business casual clothes. I'm looking forward to learning, but am a little scared at the same time. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Happy Sunday!


Janet said...

I can't tell you the joy I feel when I read your lives in print and see them live in videos and pictures. Thank you for including all of us.

Janet said...

So how was your first day of CPE?



Michal said...

Aww, thanks Mom! That's why I keep it up so diligently, you know. :)

And about CPE - just posted!

Sheryl said...

yeah - I'm not thrilled with laundry. Wish dishes, it's possible to have every dish and cup and pot in the house clean - but unless you do laundry in the nude - you can never have all clean clothes ;-)