Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CPE so far

Equals me, another HUC student, a Pentecostal minister, a Baptist preacher, a gay Unitarian Universalist, and a Catholic seminary student who wears the collar every day. We're meeting the last member of our team today, Father somebody.

Lunch conversation yesterday revolved around anointing oil. Is it okay to baptize or anoint somebody if they believe in the words, but you don't? How far does "interfaith chaplaincy" really go?

Also, I decided to splurge on really comfy shoes (before I only had non-comfy heels). I thought it would take over an hour, but Jonathan suggested we go to a department store. We went to Dillard's, the saleslady brought out five different options within five minutes of hearing what I wanted. I bought a cheaper version of this shoe from Ecco's, and they're amazing. THE WHOLE PROCESS TOOK LESS THAN FIFTEEN MINUTES. I was amazed. I'm used to shopping at Payless!


Janet said...

Well, so far CPA sounds interesting, if nothing else! And congrats on the shoes. Love QUICK shopping. Funny, it took me a while but I finally realized that I don't go shopping. I go buying. In-out. I know what I want. I buy it. I'm gone. None of this strolling down the aisles for me. Glad the process went well for you!

Janet said...

OOps. CPE. Not CPA. Old habits die hard.