Saturday, January 9, 2010

Home, home on the range

Where the kids, and the kii-iities play....

I just got home from a GREAT pulpit visit. I started up a new youth social program today, and also set up two new students, a six year old and a bat mitzvah student. That, plus my Adult Education makes for a much busier Saturday than before. I like these new programs though, I feel that I'm really making a difference in the life of the congregation.

It was so sweet, whenever I called home Jonathan would put the phone on speaker and I would hear Xander babbling in the background. I sang a couple of songs, and apparently he would take the phone from Jonathan and put it to his ear. :)

When I got home today we had fun going to Sarah's birthday party. And Xander walked all by himself while there! He took about five steps then grasped onto a chair for dear life. We can tell he's growing up... he figured out how to open the door to his room (which means he cries outside our door now in the morning, rather than inside his room). And my favorite, he's into dips. I.e., the rare time we were at McDonald's today Jonathan was eating chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce. Xander wanted a nugget over his apples (of course), so we gave it to him. But he refused to eat it unless it was properly dipped like Daddy's.

Random shout-out by the way - hello to Rebecca in Urbana, and to my dad in Israel. I wonder who else reads this blog that I don't know about?


Unknown said...

You know I read your blog, right? sometimes I go a few weeks in between reads, but I always go back and catch up. :-D Love all the adorable Xander pics!

Michal said...

Haha, I DIDN'T know, actually! How cool that you do. How have you been?!