Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well, the third trimester has hit with a vengeance. I'm back to first-semester tiredness, and apparently my liver is having some issues, so my midwife put me on wheatgrass powder and flax supplements. I haven't noticed any changes yet, but then again, it's only been a day, so I'm hopeful.

I belong to a couple different yahoogroups on natural birth and nutrition, and on one of them, a woman posted that she had a whole bunch of maternity clothes that she was giving away. So I trekked over the 40 minutes to her house last night, and voila! I now have a ton of new T-shirts and stuff to wear around the house. I'd been hoping for more work or snazzy casual clothes, but most of them weren't quite my style. She was really nice though, it was definitely worth going.

Tomorrow will be a somewhat stressful day... we take Simcha in for surgery. He has bad gingivitis and needs to get a tooth pulled. The vet said that there was no specific reason his teeth were bad - we feed him the exact same thing we feed Osher, who's fine - it's just his body chemistry. Poor kitty. We've been giving him antibiotics the past week to get rid of the infection, and he hates taking pills. I have a feeling he won't like surgery any better. But at least he won't be in pain any longer. And he may be in more of a mood to snuggle when we get him home. That will work well with my increased need to lounge on the couch!


Sheryl said...

urggggg I can't remember the name of the store, but I seem to remember getting a bunch of clothes at a maternity resale shop - I think it may even have been in Norwood - but its all a blur.

Michal said...

There are a few - Once Upon a Child maybe? At this point I figure I have three months left, I'm not gonna spend any more money on clothes I won't wear again. I just warned my coworkers not to be too surprised when I wear the same clothes every two weeks. :)

Anonymous said...

I wear the same clothes every two weeks anyway. I don't worry about it :) Glad to hear you scored some variety though.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sweetie! Congratulations! I saw your Mom on Wednesday and she forwarded this blog thing (not completely computer literate--but not doing too badly) for me to just say "hi" and keep up with what you're doing. Babies are the greatest--and I just can't believe that YOU'RE having one!!!!! You were my "first" baby...([my] Jonathan has you and your Mom to thank for my even knowing which end to feed when he showed up).
Anyway--I wish you lots of rest, lots of kicks and a wonderful childbirth experience. And, you look great by the way!
Love, Michelle Bass

Michal said...

Yay laundry, Becca! I so hear you.

And Michelle, so great to hear from you! Thank you so much for your well-wishes. It must have been years since we've seen each other... I'm glad you and my mom were able to catch each other up on everybody's lives. :)