Monday, July 21, 2008

A rather eventful weekend, for once

We did things! And it occurred to me, I should share.

Friday we went to services. And met people. And noshed. And while services were great (truly a Classical Reform service, complete with lots of English, very little kippot, and the rabbi wore a robe)... no one will ever be able to one-up Temple Israel on noshing. I miss their onegs!

Saturday we were up early (well, early for me on a Saturday) to help Jessica and Michael move. Read: Jonathan moved boxes for three hours, I refilled people's water glasses. At 1pm Jonathan had to go take the Mini in for a check-up - the car Bluetooth wasn't working right - but I was still feeling social so I stayed til about 4, moving very very light things. They saved the boxes that were marked "fragile" for me. :)

When I got home, I gasped, because there was a BMW in our driveway. Why, you ask? Because the Bluetooth problem costs $1000 to fix, so the Mini people wanted to keep the car for a couple days to get approval for the cost and do the repair. The BMW is our loaner car. It costs WAAAYY more than our Mini. I told Jonathan, "umm... yeah.. I love our Mini, but I'm not feeling in a rush to get it back!"

Saturday night we went out for Indian with Dave and Elbie, and then made an impromptu stop at Carl and Anne's to say hell0 - our neighbors know my classmates because they all went to college together! Wild. So that was fun, and felt very college-like as we showed up at their door. Then the four of us came back to our place, ate ice cream, and watched more Firefly.

Sunday was relaxful, peaceful, and hilarious: we started out the day with three flies in the house. Two hours later we had two very happy cats licking their chops and a fly-free household. It was pure entertainment to watch them. Then Jonathan played video games and I indulged in Star Trek. We finished the day by watching the last few episodes of Season 2 of Lost, which I am now wholly addicted to.

And then today it was back to work! I hate that. Sunday evenings are always so sad. The end of a (weekend) era...

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