Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy anniversary to us.... so to speak

Today is exactly one year since Jonathan and I moved to Cincinnati. I started to think about what's happened in the past year, and came up with more than I realized. We have

- moved from Israel to California to Ohio apartment to Ohio house
- new job for Jonathan
- new school, student pulpit, and teaching job for Michal
- bought and furnished aforementioned house
- formed new community
- bought new car
- gotten pregnant

You know, when you live your life day to day, it all flows naturally. But when I add it up like that, it seems like a lot. No wonder we've felt a little overwhelmed at times!

Other things in life.... poor Simcha-le didn't have his surgery yesterday, because pre-surgery the vet found a problem with his heart and didn't feel comfortable putting him under anaesthesia. So we're going to get a cat ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis next week. Depending on what they find, we'll go from there. Right now he's not acting sick in any way.

I still say that wheatgrass is atrocious. But I have to admit, it's working. I feel much much better. I may even start recommending it. (If only Simcha could take it.)

Jonathan's still at work. At 7pm on Friday. He should be coming home soon. I had the day off today so spent it... cleaning the house. Like, actually cleaning with Windex and things. I must be in my pregnancy nesting phase. Either that or be feverish! I called him to tell him about my cleaning spree and he said that 1) he should work late more often and 2) who was I and what had I done with his wife?


Julie said...

Hey there! I remember you-- well, Michal, anyway! I bought a bed off of you from CL last year and remembered you were a rabbinical student and found you through Jessica's blog. Anywho, good to reconnect. :)

Anonymous said...

Het, I love wheatgrass juice... it really helps speed recovery when you are hungover!! ;)

Michal said...

Wow, what a small world! I remember you too, of course - I felt so badly about that bed! I hope you were able to recoup that queen... at least now there's a local IKEA.

Good to reconnect with you too. :)

Michal said...

LOL Anne, I shoulda known about it years ago!