Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Tattooed Jew

The New York Times published an article today that says that the idea that Jews can't be tattooed is an urban myth.

I was fascinated, and after reading the first paragraph wanted to call up a professor or two at school as well as my friend Marshal, who's writing his rabbinical thesis on Jews and tattooing. Then I continued reading the article, and realized that Marshal is quoted in it! As is the HUC Talmud professor who I most likely would have asked.

As I said, the article concludes that there is no official law against tattooing. But it's not quite a myth either - here is a link to a Reform responsum on the issue, an essay written as an answer to a modern Jewish question.

CCAR Responsa: Tattooing, Body Piercing, and Jewish Tradition

Basically the laws are fuzzy, but Reform Judaism (as well as all other Jewish denominations) still is against it. My personal opinion is obviously different - as is the opinion of many other Jews of my generation - but I do think it's fascinating to be able to track the sources of these various laws and "urban myths."


Mara said...

Michal, I quote you all the time to my Hillel kids. I tell them that a wise rabbnic student once said, "My body is my temple and I'll decorate it how I want." You can still respect God's creation.....even cause yourself to respect it MORE with body designs.

Anonymous said...

Michal,, i am very interested in knowing what the laws are on tatooing as i have a few,, could you please email me and let me know,,, also how is your baby going,, let me know,, Michelle

Michal said...

Hi Michelle,
I don't have your email address, but all the laws are in the links in the post. Everything's going great, thanks for asking!

And Mara - AWWW! You rock. :)